Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009

Assalaam SHS Debate Contest

this event was held on May, 13 - 14 th 2009
the participant were coming from each classes in shs, each classes had to send 3 people
in the first part, May 13th
the event was held in AV room, exactly in library
then as time goes by..
my class got motion = the existence of laundry, then friendship between male and female students
the winner of female is my class
XI Science of RSBI
supported by me Salma Hanifah, then Abdaul Hamas, and Rova Hasna
the price are pink bag for me, brown one for imas, then black for roph
then the following day
May, 14th 2009. we had to face the grand final between my class and XI Science 3
they're man, of course three of us felt nervous
but we tried to give the best
well, the participants from male are Fahreza Maulana, Arif Suudi, then Isnan Fajar Muaddin
the motion is about english enrichment programs in ABSchool
My team as affirmative,
1st speaker = Rova, she had to face Fahreza
2nd speaker= Imas, she had to face Suud
3rd speaker = Salma, I had to face Fajar
did you know. rova and imas only spent 2 minutes !!! i was so upset, at least I had to perfome more
but, at the beginning of my perfomance, i could not ignore my nervouseness, huahua
i could handle it
then when conclusion, i could try better, thanks God. rival made me nervous, and the others made me laughed. Hem.. Suud were joking when debated..
Finally, when the announcement, my class got the champion...Alhamdulillah..We hopped that we goth both experiences and the price

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