Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

Acara Akhir Tahun PPMI Assalaam Sukoharjo in Progress

well, kita dari angkatan k 23 mw ngadain AAT niey...
judul acara nya." 3 Hari Untuk Selamanya "
di acara kita ni nanti ..Insya Allah diadakan tnggal 28,29,30 Juli 2009
di acra ni nanti InsyaAllah ada FoodFair, Sparing, ma PentasSeni..totalnya ada 3hari,siang FoodFair,sore Sparing, malemnya Pentas Seni. 1st day= pentas seni kls6, 2nd day= pentas seni IKMAS, 3rd day= undangan dr luar...Based on that, kita dari panitia mharapin bantuan mbak2 n mas2 alumni assalaam yg uda tgabung di IKMAS bwt ikut menyemarakkan acara ini...
Format pensi nya, InsyaAllah perIKMAS daerah, ( e.g. IKMAS SOLO, IKMAS MALANG, dst..) nanti tiap2 IKMAS diharapkan brsedia mpersmbahkan sebuah persembahan di AAT ini..Kami dari panitia, dsni diwakili oleh Salma memohon kesediaan IKMAS unt berpartisipasi di acra ini...unt kontak lbih lanjut bs hub Salma di fb atau email=hanifahsalma@yahoo.com
Kami, panitia sangat mengharapkan partisipasinya..

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009

Assalaam SHS Debate Contest

this event was held on May, 13 - 14 th 2009
the participant were coming from each classes in shs, each classes had to send 3 people
in the first part, May 13th
the event was held in AV room, exactly in library
then as time goes by..
my class got motion = the existence of laundry, then friendship between male and female students
the winner of female is my class
XI Science of RSBI
supported by me Salma Hanifah, then Abdaul Hamas, and Rova Hasna
the price are pink bag for me, brown one for imas, then black for roph
then the following day
May, 14th 2009. we had to face the grand final between my class and XI Science 3
they're man, of course three of us felt nervous
but we tried to give the best
well, the participants from male are Fahreza Maulana, Arif Suudi, then Isnan Fajar Muaddin
the motion is about english enrichment programs in ABSchool
My team as affirmative,
1st speaker = Rova, she had to face Fahreza
2nd speaker= Imas, she had to face Suud
3rd speaker = Salma, I had to face Fajar
did you know. rova and imas only spent 2 minutes !!! i was so upset, at least I had to perfome more
but, at the beginning of my perfomance, i could not ignore my nervouseness, huahua
i could handle it
then when conclusion, i could try better, thanks God. Well...my rival made me nervous, and the others made me laughed. Hem.. Suud were joking when debated..
Finally, when the announcement, my class got the champion...Alhamdulillah..We hopped that we goth both experiences and the price


it's so hard for me
believe in my imagination
that tells about our story
mine and yours
you know that I don't wanna be the looser
and you also know that I don't wanna it takes a deeper place in my heart
that's enough for me if I'll be the one someday
someday, you will find me in the right place
and as the the flowers bloom when spring comes
I'll save my heart and my soul
and as the rain pours from the sky
I'll pray to my Lord for giving me chances
and as the call picks me clearly
my thanks will not be forgotten to You



That's a cold night
There's no star in the sky
And the wind blows me up
Make me safe
And the light shines brightly
All over this place
Along this night
And I see all around me
Everything's gonna be fast thing
Well, some years ago
I was right here
And now, in this right place
I have been be the different one
I feel that I'm changed
My heart, my mind, were thinking of
Of this way
And next time
Should I be the better one ?
The answer totally YES
Should I ? Should !
Can I ? Can !
Then, will Allah bless on me ?


it starts from a will
a will that will make the results
only if you combine your will with your efforts
will, effort, and results
are the chain of the natural laws
hold your will, make your efforts, then the results will be yours
take your shoes, strain your shoelace
then run piercing the border of your imagination

> salma on poem


semua berawal dari tekad
sebuah tekad kan berbuah hasil
jika kau iringi tekadmu dengan usaha
tekad, usaha, dan hasil
adalah rangkaian hukum alam yang hakiki
bulatkan tekad, kuatkan usaha, dan hasil kan terpetik
dan sekarang
ambil sepatumu, kencangkan talimu
dan larilah menembus batas impianmu

> salma on poem

Jumat, 15 Mei 2009


segala yang ada di dunia
segala hamparan, segala harapan, segala harapan, serta segala halusinasi
semua nya menggantung di atas segala
mimpiku, mimpimu, mimpi kita
tak selayakmya dibiarkan mengambang
tanpa kepastian
kutahu semua berawal dari angan
anganku yang menjadi harapan
begitu juga anganmu !
lalu, bagaimana dengan hamparan?
hamparan kan selalu ada jika kau kumpulkan segala harapan
dan hamparan tak kan pernah menjadi hamparan nyata jika kau biarkan halusinasi kuasaimu
dan sekarang
akankah ada hamparan nyata antara aku, kau, dan kita ?

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009

kemah bantara


tanggal 22 -24 kemah di ngesrep, boyolali

aku di tenda panitia
dsna panas bget.....gosong!!!

oh iya pas bantaranya malem jumat

horor nian


tmpatku si terang, bnyak ustadnya lgi
ga serem de

tpi di pos L ada byak pnampakan...
yg jaga si ga liat, ti a' dhoknya
oya di XL jg ad

Alhamdulillahnya ga da papa...
smuanya slamat..

pulang dr kemah,tikerku ilang, gosong, tgan bintik2..


pokokknya prwatan deh hbis kmah..
untung skrg uda mendingan hehehe